"Mike Day’s authority and credibility far exceeded his rank."
- Lt. Chris Tyll, Navy SEAL
Senior Chief Petty Officer Mike Day proudly served twenty-one years and three months as a U.S. Navy SEAL. He is a skilled leader with a unique ability to bring out the best in others. As a platoon leader, he was responsible for the professional development of his SEAL team. Born in New Jersey and moved to Virginia Beach in grade school. He grew up in a chaotic home and enduring periods of homelessness. At seventeen he enlisted in the Navy.
Mike is an expert at intelligence gathering and tactical operations,including;open-and closed-water SCUBA, free-fall and static-line parachute, helicopter rope suspension techniques, breaching, small arms, and explosives. He is a free-fall and static line Jumpmaster and his career included three years as a member of the Navy’s Elite Leap Frogs skydiving team. He has deployed to Kosovo, the Philippines, and multiple combat deployments to the Middle East.


On what would be his final combat mission as a Navy SEAL, Mike was shot at close range by four enemy fighters and absorbed a grenade blast. Despite being wounded, Mike was able to neutralize all four enemy combatants, secure two prisoners, rescue six women and children, and evacuate to an awaiting helicopter.